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I will be writing in English as it is my first language, although I speak polite Spanish, I wish to communicate as clearly as possible and hope Google translate will help as best as possible...
I am considering moving to Spain. I am a young teacher and would love to move to Spain. I have a couple friends in Madrid and elsewhere in Europe. I am wondering if there are any expats specifically from the USA or Canada who could tell me how they went about transitioning from their country to Spain as a type one diabetic and if there is any advice they may have.
Additionally, even if you aren't an expat, if you're a T1D and you can tell me about insurance...doctors...access to CGMs and insulin pumps...I would be very grateful. How expensive are medications and visits? How easy/difficult is it to see your doctor (endocrinologist or just your primary care physician)?
Thank you to all! I truly appreciate you.
Besitos x
I will be writing in English as it is my first language, although I speak polite Spanish, I wish to communicate as clearly as possible and hope Google translate will help as best as possible...
I am considering moving to Spain. I am a young teacher and would love to move to Spain. I have a couple friends in Madrid and elsewhere in Europe. I am wondering if there are any expats specifically from the USA or Canada who could tell me how they went about transitioning from their country to Spain as a type one diabetic and if there is any advice they may have.
Additionally, even if you aren't an expat, if you're a T1D and you can tell me about insurance...doctors...access to CGMs and insulin pumps...I would be very grateful. How expensive are medications and visits? How easy/difficult is it to see your doctor (endocrinologist or just your primary care physician)?
Thank you to all! I truly appreciate you.
Besitos x
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At least during the first 90 days you need a private insurance from USA; insulin is prescribed by doctors, in other case any pharmacy will deliver it.
I recommend you to bring a health report from your current endocrine.
Have a look on this:
I guess the protocol is similar in others communities (we have 17!!!)
The National Health Insurance is "universal", that means you are totally covered in case of any emergency. (Call 112 or hospital emergency)
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.