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Tendríamos q conseguirla en España.
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Dear Mr. Conesa
Thank you very much for your interest in our mylife OmniPod.
As much as I understand your wish to have the best therapy for you, Ypsomed has limitations in providing the device into countries that we have no distribution rights.
After careful consideration we have made a business decision on ethical grounds not to supply neither the PDM nor Pods without involving a Consultant or Pump Nurse in the therapy treatment process with OmniPod. Insulin pump therapy needs close control with a doctor. Therefore Ypsomed highly discourages use of the device in any territory not yet assigned. Ypsomed also does not take any responsibility in case you may encounter any problems with the device. Any re-supply of Pods need to be individually organised, via the practice or doctor you would receive the training.
Ypsomed will not ship any device into any countries not released for marketing and distribution.
There might be one possible solution.
London Medical Centre, 49 Marylebone High Street, London W1U 5HJ, may accept non UK patients and supplying the mylife OmniPod system after consultation and training.
Further supplies of Pods are collected on the next medical appointment in London
Thank you for your understanding that Ypsomed cannot help in this matter for persons who don’t live in any of our assigned countries.
Freundliche Grüsse / Kind regards
Matthias Hasler
Customer and Marketing Support
Diabetes Care
Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)
Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.
Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ
En la propia pagina de omnipod aparecen como aprobadas lantus, apidra y alguna más.
Vamos, que si adquieres el sistema como consideres mejor, en Londres por ej (la verdad, eso lo arreglas en 1 días con ryanair
Creo que el omnipod y medicion continua sería el tandem perfecto (y no creo que tarden mucho en integrarlo con el dexcom, quizás no para tomar medidas correctivas, pero si para dejar de tomarlas, por ej, si la glucosa detectada por el dexcom es baja, pues dejar de administrar... o si es muy alta, avisar y preguntar...)
Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)
Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.
Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ
yo creo -por lo menos en mi caso, para otros puede no ser así- que es mucho mejor, primero, la medicion continua... y despues cualquier otro avance. Ambos, teniendo posibilidades, tiene que ser una auténtica delicia.